Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Burn those Calories

The gym is normally where I would hang out in the morning on weekdays (except of holidays and school breaks).
I would use the treadmill and some elliptical machines for my cardiovascular exercises before I proceed for weight lifting, etc for muscle toning and building.

Many people have the impression that to lose weight all you have to do is to get on the treadmill and run/walk (at a constant speed and inclination) as long as you can to sweat it all out and burn away all the unnecessary calories. However, I find that spending more than 30 minutes on the treadmill is monotonous and down right boring unless you have gym buddy there to chit chat with. I have found that there is a more effective workout regime that you can do on the treadmill for less time and yet yield a better result. Found it a few months back on Bob Green's Best Life (Oprah's personal trainer).
Tried it and proven to be effective. Just with 20minutes on the treadmill, I am able to burn close to 300 calories!

I do this at least once a week.

Treadmill Walking Workout.

Warm up at 3.0 incline and 3.0 speed for 2 minutes, then continue with the following :
  • Minute 3 - 6 : Increase incline to 12.0 and speed 3.2
  • Minute 7 -10 : Decrease incline to 7.0 and increase speed to 3.6 to 4.0
  • Minute 11 -14 : Increase incline to 15.0 and decrease speed to 3.2
  • Minute 15 -18 : Decrease incline to 7.0 and increase speed to 3.6 -4.0
  • Minute 19 -20 : Decrease incline to 3.0 and maintain speed of 3.6 to 4.0
  • Cool down for 5 minutes

The object of this regime is to vary the inclination and the speed to yield a high calorie burn out.
It is not monotonous as the body has to adjust to the frequent change in speed and inclination.

Try it the next time you hit the gym... you might find it revitalizing.

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