Sunday, January 10, 2010


We are into the 10th day for the year 2010. Wow....... that's real fast. The past 10 days has been pretty crazy for me. School started a week ago and with the beginning of a new school year, there are new schedule to follow.

Year 2010 is going to be a very busy year for me and my children. Both my second and third child will be sitting for Public examination at the end of the year. My youngest will be completing her Primary school education and she will be required to sit for a public examination in September. My second child who will be graduating from High School will be sitting for a very big public examination (equivalent to the O-levels examination) in November. This examination will determine if he could pursue his ambition and enter the college or university of his choice. With these two major events coming up, my children are loaded with extra classes and tuitions after school on weekdays. So poor Mommy here is busy ferrying them around.

On another note, my eldest child is starting work tomorrow!!!! I am still in a daze.... 19 years ago, on this day.. he was just a bundle of joy that I was carrying with me in my tummy. Now he is a young adult. He completed High School and took up the Australian matriculation here in Malaysia last year. He did well and was amongst the top 10% in Tertiary Entrance Ranking (for Australia). However, he has opted to take a 6 months break to experience the working world before furthering his studies in the University.

I am still trying to get used to all these changes. I hardly have any free time now as I am always rushing around. Hopefully things will be more settled by end of this month and I can get back to blogging more frequently.

In the meantime, please bear with me :p

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