Thursday, November 19, 2009

Garbage Enzyme

I have always been an advocate when it comes to greening the earth. I would play my part (even though it is small) in minimizing my carbon foot prints on the earth. To me the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) is most important when it comes to waste management. I keep a container by my kitchen to collect the water used for washing the rice, vegetable and fruits to be used to water my plants. I would also collect rain water for the same purpose. (since rainfall is abundant here in Malaysia). I also diligently segregate my garbage for recycling.

Apart from the many efforts I do, I have found that making garbage enzyme is a very beneficial and effective way to greening the earth. It involves fermenting fruit peels or vegetable with sugar and water to produce and enzyme so powerful yet safe for household use. I made my own garbage enzyme from citrus fruit peels (as I like the citrus scent) .
I have been using it since the beginning of this year. I am using it for mopping the floor, washing dishes and fertilizing my plants. Its many uses are :
  • as a household cleaning liquid - mix a small cupful of enzyme with a bucket of water when mopping the floor. The floor will be squeaky clean. No floor cleaner needed.
  • removing odour, mold and grime from kitchen and toilets
  • Insect repellent - spray small enzyme mixed with water onto your plants or around the house and you will see the insects running away.
  • Make the laundry cleaner without excessive use of detergent
  • Can be added to the shampoo
  • makes dish washing a breeze


Dilute with water

Enzyme for fertilizer1:100 or 1:500 or 1:1000
Enzyme for insecticide1:1000
Enzyme for pesticide1:100
For anti odour / air freshener1:200
As plant hormones to get more flowers and fruits1:500

When the enzyme is diluted with water, it becomes more effective.

Explanation: When diluting with water for the above ratio of 1:1000, it means
1cc of enzyme is added to 1000cc of water

To enhance the nutrients and reduce the side effects of the chemicals in shampoos, dish-washing liquids, detergents:
Add one teaspoon of enzyme to every 500cc of shampoos, dish-washing liquids, detergents.

What is Garbage Enzyme?

Garbage Enzyme is a complex organic substance of protein chains and mineral salts and juvenile hormones.

Functions of Garbage Enzyme is to
- resolve / decompose
- transform / change
- compose / make up / combine
- catalysis

As a result of catalysis, ozone is produced which can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and this in turn reduces global warming.

This enzyme can be produced easily with the organic waste from our kitchens.

During enzyme production, O3 + NO3 + CO3 are generated and these could help purify and whiten the clouds in the sky. Those clouds that trap lots of heavy metals appear dark. Those dark clouds cause more heat to be trapped on earth due to the greenhouse effect. O3 (ozone) from the garbage enzymes could reduce the heavy metals in the clouds and this would reduce global warming.

More NO3 (nitrite) in the air is useful as nutrients for the plants and soil.

Use Enzymes to Reduce Global Warming

If every household makes and uses enzymes, it would help tremendously in the reduction of global warming.

Here is how you can make your own garbage enzyme.

enzyme production ingredient 1

Black sugar is needed for making garbage enzyme.

Brown or any raw unprocessed sugar can also be used but never use white sugar.

enzyme production ingredient  2

Kitchen waste is another ingredient used for the production of garbage enzyme.

Leftover cooked food from meals like vegetables is usable too but rinse off any gravy or sauces from them first before using. Never use any kind of meat! Fruit skins should be taken from fruits like apple, orange, pineapple, pear, watermelon, grape, lemon, guava but don't use durians!

** I only use orange and lemon peels as I prefer the citrus scent***

enzyme production process
An example: Add 300g of sugar + 900g of fruit skins + 3000g of water and mix well in a 5000cc plastic bottle and cap tightly. Keep in a cool dry place at room temperature. Release the gases formed once a day for the first month. Make sure it is re-capped tightly each time after the gas release. For the 2nd and 3rd months, only release any gases if necessary. Sometimes, there is a white layer on the surface of the enzyme solution during fermentation. Should worms appear in your enzyme solution, don't panic. Add in a handful of sugar, mix well and cap the bottle tightly. They will disappear overnight!
enzyme production in bottles

These bottles contain kitchen waste with sugar and water.

Fermentation will take place in the bottles for 3 months. Then after filtration and removal of the residue, garbage enzyme is obtained. The residue can be used again for a new batch of production by adding fresh garbage. The residue can also be dried, then blended and buried in the ground as a fertilizer.

enzyme produced and ready for use

These bottles of garbage enzyme are ready for dilution with water to be used.

Give it a try!!! Garbage enzyme is now sold commercially. However, why pay for it when you can make your own!!!!!

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